FAQ - General

WorkIS is a system for recording the work activities of students at the faculty. It enables hierarchy-style approval of monthly work reports by the supervisor and the head of the department.

You can be registered in the system by the system administrator only. Ask your supervisor or IT staff member to refer you to the system administrator.

If you did not received the invitation email or the link in the email is no longer valid, it is possible to proceed as if you have forgot your password.

You can manage your name and titles yourself in your profile page. After logging in, click on the user icon at the top right corner and then on your name.

You can manage your name and titles yourself in your profile page. After logging in, click on the user icon at the top right corner and then on your name.

FAQ - Students

An already submitted report for approval cannot be changed. You must contact the person who is currently responsible for the approval and ask him / her to rejected your work report. Once rejected, the report is returned back to you and it is editable again. After then it is possible to submit it again to your supervisor for subsequent approval.

It is necessary to contact the WorkIS administrator and inform him / her about the change of the supervisor. He / her will then enter this information into the system. If the report has already been submitted to the wrong supervisor, it is a good idea to ask him / her to reject the report. Once the correct supervisor has been assigned to the student by WorkIS administrator, you can then submit the work report again to your new supervisor for approval.

You need to contact the WorkIS administrator to enter this information into the system. During the period of the interruption, you wont be offered to fill any new work report, nor your missing work reports will appear in a regular exports as unsubmitted.

You need to contact the WorkIS administrator and inform him / her that you probably have the wrong department assigned to your student role.

The format of the input box depends on the language of the browser you are using. Different browsers use different input formats. For example if you are using Chrome, you can switch to Czech language in Chrome settings and after that the time inputs will be in 24-hour format.

FAQ - Supervisors / Head of Departments

Once approved, a report can no longer be unapproved. However, the head of the department has the option to reject the already approved report. After that student can then submit the work report again for approval to the supervisor and he / she can than confirm work report and submit it again to the head of the department.

If an error is found in an already approved work report, it is possible to return this report to the student for completion or correction by rejecting the work report. The option to reject the report is always granted either by the supervisor (if he / she has not already approved it) or by the head of the department (regardless of whether he / she has already approved the report or not). It is a good idea to add a note with the reason for the rejection.

Contact the WorkIS administrator, who will assign the student a new student role with the correct supervisor and / or department where the student is studying.

FAQ - Administrator

In the student detail in the list of all users, it is necessary to click on the trash icon at current student role and enter the date on which the student interrupts his / her studies. If the student already knows when he / she will start studying again, it is possible to immediately enter the new stidemt role with this expected date of new validity.

In the student detail in the list of all users, it is necessary to click on the trash icon at current student role and enter the date on which the student finished his / her studies.

list of all users, it is necessary to first add a new user and then assign the appropriate role in this detail - either a student or a supervisor role.

In the student detail in the list of all users, it is necessary to click on the trash icon at current student role with the original supervisor / department and enter the date on which the student's supervisor / department has changed. Subsequently, it is possible to add a new student role valid from the following day, but this time with the correct supervisor / department.

The head or deputy head of the department can be modified in detail of the department. If the original head still has some student work reports for approval, it is a good idea to ask him / her to approve or reject them. Alternatively, a user with the SuperUser role can be asked to approve the work reports instead of previous head of department.

Student Supervisor Head of Dep. Admin Exporter Overseer SuperUser
Create new work reports
Submit reports for approval
View report - my students
View report - my department
View report - all departments
Approve report - my student
Approve report - my department
Approve report - all departments
Export reports - my students
Export reports - my department
Export reports - all departments
Add / modify users
Add / modify departments
Add role Administrator
Add role Exporter
Add role Overseer
Add role SuperUser